Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Bottle Full of Warmth...

A Bottle full of Warmth...my travelling 'sister' introduced me to this great little piece of metal.  It is a hot water bottle,  super insulted and you wouldn't even know there was scalding hot liquid in there. I personally love to drink hot water, especially when its cold out. People use to say to me, 'only old people drink hot water'. Well, I'm not getting any younger and hot water brings some sort of comfort to me. What about for you?


  1. Don't worry, you're not the only one that enjoys drinking (and ordering at restaurants) warm water ;)

    It not only keeps you warm when it's cold out, but it also helps your digestion and keeps your internal muscles and organs working properly. Something not only 'old' people should do.

    BTW, where'd you get this nifty (and adorable) bottle?

  2. CiCi - I'm glad there are more of us out there that like hot water! Thanks for commenting!

    You can get them at The Paper Place on Queen St West.

  3. AC, Im going to get one too! and I dont know about hot water, but I like hot water with caffeine!! yay to getting old!
