Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Note for You...

A Note for You...Ended up dining at 3AM one Friday night at The Lakeview Lunch. This place had walls full of post-it notes written by patrons. Some where sweet messages, some were funny, and some just plain didn't make any sense at all. But it was fun to doodle or write whatever was on your mind at that point, and stick it on the wall for the next person who sits at your booth to see. You never know, someone might read your message, connect with you and a new relationship might blossom.

The Lakeview Lunch
1132 Dundas Street WestToronto, ON (Dundas & Ossington)
(416) 850-8886



  1. Cool! Did you write a note too? I might go there one day and look for your handwriting! :p

  2. i was just there today and all the post its are gone... they'll prob do it again later on...

  3. LBT: I did :) I don't remember what I wrote though haha

    Vincent: really?! I didn't know they would take it away...
